Body Wash UK 1000ML
Healthy Skin & Glow Brighter
Help Brighter, moisturise, and nourish your skin, leaving the skin looking radiant refreshed
How To Use
Wet your body with clean water evently , pour enough body wash into your Hands or shower puff until it foams, then rub it all over your body. Rinse with until clean.
Cara Pemakaian
Basahi tubuh menggunakan air bersih hingga merata, tuangkan body wash secukupnya ke tangan atau shower puff hingga berbusa, lalu usapkan ke seluruh tubuh, bilas dengan air hingga bersih.
Main Ingredients
Aqua demineralisata, cocamidopropyl betaine, Glycerin, Niacinamide, Fragrance (Parfum) Components and Finishing Fragrances.
BPOM : NA18230702382
ED : 0828